The Best Home Water Filter – Living Water Ultra by EcoQuest

If you've looked at sales of home water filters and at the water aisle in your local market lately you'd think that there MUST be something wrong with your tap water. Guess what? There is!

The sources of drinking water include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over land surface or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material. It also picks substances resulting from the presence of animals or human activity. Contaminants include:

Microbial contaminants like viruses and bacteria.

Inorganic contaminants like salts and metals (these can come from mining, farming, or industrial waste products).

Organic chemicals from industry, city water runoff and septic systems (this includes things like bits of toilet paper from the sewers!).

Drinking water, including bottled water is EXPECTED to contain at least small amounts of contaminants. If you're in doubt about the quality of your water, you can send your water to testing facilities, but this is time consuming and expensive. You can also search the internet for your county's water district - they often have reports of water quality posted.

The Living Water Ultra by EcoQuest is a revolutionary water filtration system that removes contaminants, leaving you with clear, great-tasting water. Every unit includes a water testing kit so you know exactly what quality tap water you have AND you can prove that the filtered water is free of all contaminants!

Pure water (or Zero water - which means zero parts per million of contaminants) is important because it is the only way to flush toxins out of your body. The Living Water will leave you with completely pure water with ZERO ppm of contaminants.

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