Juicing for Weight Loss
While there are no magic pills, juicing for weight loss can be an effective strategy to help you drop pounds and bloating, if you do it correctly!

Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients we need, and most people don't eat the minimum requirement, much less the amount needed for health. So juicing is a great way to get those nutrients and all of the health benefits that plants have.

Juicing helps your weight loss efforts in a number of ways. First, if you drink fresh juice before a meal, it may help curb your appetite. Also, the nutrients get absorbed into your cells quickly, which may help your body realize that it has gotten the nutrition it needs, telling your brain stop the "eat" signals.

Because fresh juice is so high in vitamins and minerals, drinking it gives you so much energy you will be able to increase your activity. And substituting fresh juices for sodas or chemical-laden diet products will make you feel like a million bucks.

All that being said, juice does have a lot of calories (fruit juice at any rate), and so you should be aware of that, because for any lasting weight loss, you must learn how to change your habits for the long haul.

Losing weight is the easy part. Keeping it off is where most people struggle!

Have you ever heard the phrase "Begin with the end in mind" by Stephen Covey? Let's apply it to juicing for weight loss, shall we?

Whether you have 10 pounds to lose or 100 pounds to lose, I bet if I asked you what your goal is, you would say "To lose XX number of pounds." And then I'm going to ask you, "And then what?"

You see, losing weight is half the battle. But the really hard part for most people is keeping it off. Everyone has the ability to watch what they eat for a goal, but how many of us know how to watch we eat for a lifetime?

Yes, I encourage you to try juicing for weight loss. It's good for you, it tastes great, it gives you energy, and it provides so many valuable nutrients... but please, also look at learning how to eat to maintain the weight loss once you're done. I personally like to eat low glycemic index foods to maintain my weight. It's easy to follow, those foods are naturally good for you, and there's really no guess work as to what I'm allowed to eat.

If you feel like you have a hard time sticking to a plan, or if you do well for a few weeks and then lose focus, I'd encourage you to read about hypnosis for weight loss. Hypnotherapy is safe and effective for weight loss, stopping smoking, pain control, self confidence, overcoming fears and lots of other stuff.

For the food side of it, I offer a free 7 day course on low glycemic eating, which many people swear is the secret to lasting weight loss. If you'd like to try it, please read about the foods that help arthritis and you can sign up for the week long e-mail class there.

Tips on Juicing for Weight Loss

  • Drink fresh juice before a meal two times a day.
  • Use vegetables with fruits to keep the calories low.
  • Always serve juice immediately after making it. It loses its nutrients quickly.
  • Use the pulp from your juice to bulk up cooked foods or baked products like muffins (I like to use pineapple pulp in my muffins, it makes them moist and tender). Use it like you would applesauce in any baking situation.
  • Vegetable pulp can be added to meatloaf, lasagna, casseroles, or stews.
  • Use the juice to make homemade salad dressings.
  • Citrus fruits should be peeled, but leave the pith (white part) on, as it contains many nutrients.
  • Leafy greens like spinach or kale can be wrapped around harder fruit, like apples, to get through the juicer easily.
  • Lemons and limes are very alkalizing and anti inflammatory foods. Use them with apples for a tangy, healthy apple juice.
  • Ginger is well known for it's anti-inflammatory properties. A half-inch piece in your juice gives it a nice spicy note.
A decent juicer will run you about $100, and really high quality one can get as high as $300. What you need will depend on what you're juicing (the lower priced ones do fine with softer fruits and veggies, but may have a harder time with hard veggies like carrots). I have the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer, and I have to be really careful with carrots. It will juice them, but I have to finesse the machine. A more powerful motor would make carrots easier.

For a great website that can help you attain your best health through juicing, click here.

Below are some juicers for you to look at, and below that is a collection of juicing books I think you might like. Those links will take you to Amazon.com. Enjoy your juicing for weight loss!
For a great website with tons of resources on health, success skills, finances and relationships, take a look at SelfGrowth.com. They have everything you need to create a better life, which is really the goal, isn't it? SelfGrowth.com is the most complete guide to information about Self Help on the Internet.

For more information on how food can help you feel better, click here to read about the inflammation diet.

There are many spices and herbs for arthritis that can add a nice touch to your juice. Click here to read about them.

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