Your Complete Guide to Natural Arthritis Relief!

For natural arthritis relief, this is the place. If you are looking for natural remedies for arthritis because of the dangers of drugs, look no further. Get arthritis pain relief, naturally!

Arthritis natural cures have been used for centuries, and many are very effective. But how can you tell what really helps?

As a chiropractor, I've been helping people find natural remedies for arthritis for years. I spend countless hours studying medical journals, learning how foods help arthritis, and treating patients every day with degenerative arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

I hear what works. More importantly, I hear what doesn't.

This website is full of what I've learned in practice and with people just like you.

Through it all, I can tell you this. If you are willing to take full responsibility for your health and never give up looking for answers, finding natural cures for arthritis is possible.

What works for your neighbor may not work for you. Take what you read here and implement some of it. Some of the suggestions are short term fixes. Most are long term fixes.

Evaluate every change you make in terms of weeks or months. If the changes give you arthritis pain relief, continue with them. If they don't, come back and look for more steps to try.

To your left are tabs with various topics on them. Some of them are about me, but most of them are natural arthritis relief remedies that can help you. There's a lot of information here, so take your time and peruse if you have it. Bookmark the site if you don't, and please feel free to come back later. Any website is a work in progress and this one is no different. I am constantly updating pages and adding content... the best way to know what's new is to head on over to the Updates to this Site page. Everything that is new is there, with the newest pages listed first. There is also a Site Search page, which is reachable by the Navigation Menu over there on the left. If you can't find what you're looking for, head on over there and do a search.

If you've read this far, I guess you'd like to know a little about me and why I'm qualified to dispense natural arthritis relief information.

My name is Dr. Andrea Mills and I'm a chiropractor in Southern California. Because chiropractors do not prescribe drugs or perform surgery, we have to help people get better by looking at their structure. I also do a lot of nutritional work, and consider myself a partner with my patients on their journey to health. I've learned a lot since I started practicing, and here I share with you those things that I've found help my patients the most.

Thank you so much for visiting my site, and I hope that you do find natural arthritis relief with the information here!

Yours in good health, ~Dr. M

Most common joints to get arthritis

Arthritis is most common in the weight bearing joints. Arthritis hip pain can be confused for problems in the low back. Another common area is arthritis in the spine and it can cause neurological issues in the arms or legs.

How do you know if you have arthritis?

The best way to know for sure is to have X-rays or some other imaging done. Some early symptoms of arthritis may include stiffness and decreased movement. Distinguishing between rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and degenerative arthritis will help you choose the best treatment alternatives for your case.