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Nov 12, 2011

My right knee is causing a lot of pain no matter what position it is in. I wake up at night with pain and one night, when I woke up, I couldn't move my

Permalink -- click for full blog post "What kind of doctor diagnoses arthritis?"

Nov 12, 2011

I have recently been to the doctor and told that I have Mildly degenerative osteoarthritis. Their opinion is that I am 70 years old and that it's to be

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Am I too old to benefit from helping myself with degenerative arthritis?"

Oct 23, 2011

Rheumatoid arthritis can be a chronic, debilitating condition. Managing it may be possible with changes in diet and other natural arthritis relief techniques.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Rheumatoid Arthritis | Rheumatoid Arthritis Causes"

Oct 23, 2011

Last year I had Vertebra 3-7 fused. Now I find out Vertebra 1-2 have a large deposit of bone spur. Does anyone have any ideas to help the pain? I am in

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Arthritis Bone Spurs in Neck"

Oct 23, 2011

My husband, 60, has RA. He is in constant pain. The Rheumatologist offers him enbril or remecaid, immuno suppressant drugs that can have serious side

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Re: Pain relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis"

Sep 10, 2011

Cervical spinal stenosis can cause problems anywhere, from the arms and upper back to pain, tingling or numbness in the legs.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Cervical Spinal Stenosis | Spinal Canal Stenosis"

Sep 10, 2011

You are a dog chiropractor? If I had a dime for every time a human patient asked that... How to tell if canine chiropractic can help your dog and what to expect.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Dog chiropractor | Canine chiropractor"

Sep 10, 2011

Dog Arthritis - When your best friend hurts, so do you. Here's information on how to make your pup feel better, and the pros and cons to dog arthritis medications and natural supplements.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Dog Arthritis | Arthritis in Dogs"

Sep 8, 2011

If you have degenerative arthritis and are looking for natural things to help, you'll find them here. From food to exercises, here's a resource for your degenerative osteoarthritis.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Degenerative arthritis | Degenerative osteoarthritis | Degenerative Joint Disease"

Sep 6, 2011

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be different from person to person and may affect the whole body. Rheumatoid arthritis pain is usually on both sides of the body and includes fatigue and muscle aches. Here is practical information on managing it.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis | Rheumatoid arthritis pain relief"

Sep 6, 2011

Osteoarthritis explained: how you get it, how it progresses, what you can expect in terms of treatments and preventing further degeneration... it's all here.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Osteoarthritis explained | Arthritis Explained | How you get Arthritis"

Sep 6, 2011

Osteoarthritis prevention starts much younger than most people think, but even if you're older, you can take these steps to preventing osteoarthritis from getting worse.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Osteoarthritis prevention. things to do for preventing osteoarthritis"

Sep 6, 2011

Our legal disclaimer

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Natural Arthritis Relief Disclaimer"

Sep 6, 2011

Site Search for Natural Arthritis Relief.com

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Site Search for Natural Arthritis Relief.com"

Sep 6, 2011

Arthritis pain treatment advice from other readers. There's nothing like getting help from those who have been there.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Arthritis Pain Treatment | Ask a Question, Get an Answer"

Sep 5, 2011

My 4 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with polyarticular juvenile arthritis. Are these natural arthritis treatments safe for her

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis"

Aug 31, 2011

Contact support at Natural Arthritis Relief, contact Dr. Andrea Mills

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Contact Us"

Aug 30, 2011

A diet for osteoarthritis will help keep inflammation down and give you the nutrients to heal. Here's how to eat an arthritis diet, what foods it includes, and what foods to avoid.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Arthritis diet | Diet for arthritis"

Aug 30, 2011

The K-Laser's innovative infrared laser therapy is helping many with chronic pain. Chiropractic laser therapy speeds healing, gives effective pain relief, and decreases muscle spams. Learn about Class 4 Lasers.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "K-Laser, Class IV Infrared Laser Therapy | Chiropractic Laser Therapy"

Aug 30, 2011

Natural remedies for arthritis: here you'll find info on supplements and specific foods that help with arthritis. You'll also find information for arthritis holistic treatment.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Natural Remedies for Arthritis"


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