The Inflammation Diet
When patients ask me about the inflammation diet, what they're usually looking for is a way to manage chronic conditions without reliance on medications. It's well known that the food we eat can keep us healthy or make us sick, and if you've been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or type II Diabetes, your doctor will usually recommend changes in diet before resorting to medications.

Here is an excellent article written by another chiropractor that explains everything about the inflammation diet beautifully.

Inflammation From Food - Can Your Diet Be Adding to Your Pain?
By Dr. Allen Haynes, D.C.

When most people are in pain, they reach for anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil or pain relievers like Tylenol and wait for some temporary relief. Some may even turn to supplements to avoid the harmful side effects of the common drugs and expect that alone to solve all of their problems. While natural whole food supplements can play a vital role in optimal health, there is a larger underlying problem to pain and inflammation.

The foods we eat can significantly add to the inflammation in our body which ultimately leads to pain. When inflammation builds up in the body, it often affects the muscles and joints and causes pain. We can take all the supplements or pain medications in the world, but if we continue to eat the same foods we are creating a vicious cycle. Refined sugar, grain fed meats, trans-fats, refined grains such as those found in white flour products like bread and pasta and refined oils actually increase the inflammation levels in the body. These foods currently make up about 80% of the average American's calorie intake and 30-40% is still too high.

In order to prevent inflammation, our diet needs to consist of anti-inflammatory foods such as a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, raw nuts, healthy proteins like grass-fed meats, pasture-raised chicken, fresh wild fish, omega 3 fatty acids like those found in pasture raised eggs, dark chocolate in moderation, olive oil, coconut oil, unsalted organic butter, and fish oil. Most of these foods are rich in alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium that are anti-inflammatory. Spices can also have a very effective anti-inflammatory affect. Spice your food up with ginger, turmeric, rosemary, oregano, garlic, and coriander just to name a few.

It is also important to avoid as much stress as possible because stress causes the adrenal glands to produce hormones which cause inflammation. Exercise has an anti-inflammatory effect so start and stick to a normal routine. Some supplements can also have an anti-inflammatory affect like Black Currant Seed Oil and Tuna Oil.

When we are trying to achieve optimal health it is important to look at the big picture. Our diet is one of the easiest things to control and change to increase our health so start your change today.

After graduating in 1988 from Parker Chiropractic College with a Doctorate of Chiropractic, Dr. Haynes spent his first year in practice as an associate in Bedford, TX. From 1989 to present he has been in private practice in Arlington, TX. Dr. Haynes is Advanced Proficiency Rated by Activator Methods. This is the highest level of certification for this specialty. He is also Certified in Acupuncture and Designed Clinical Nutrition. He is currently working on Diplomate status with the American Board of Clinical Nutrition. As a member of the Texas Chiropractic Association and the Parker Chiropractic Alumni Association, Dr. Haynes continues to expand his love and knowledge of Chiropractic. Outside of work, he enjoys sailing, snow skiing and playing with his grand kids.

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Article Source:,_D.C.