Tea for Inflammation and Pain

Inflammation and pain go hand in hand. Inflammation is a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, sore, and swollen because of infection or injury. It is manifested outwardly by redness and swelling, attended with heat and pain. The condition can get so severe that it affects the overall body functioning. However, there are some teas that can be taken for immediate relief.

Usually, people trivialize the efficacy of tea for the cure of critical ailments. Some view tea as an ordinary mixture of hot water with sugar and milk. But there are lots of research revealing that there are some herbal teas that can be taken for the relief of pain and inflammation. Below are five great teas for inflammation and pain.

White Willow Tree Bark

White willow tree bark is traceable to Egypt and has been used as a treatment for pain and inflammation since ancient Egyptian and Roman times. There are lots of research revealing that white willow bark has a comparable effect to aspirin, but with fewer side effects than aspirin. The herbs are often chewed or cooked with some other herbs. However, studies have revealed that consuming the herbs as tea is a very good cure for inflammation and pain.

White willow bark tea can either be made from fresh willow bark or dried. To make the tea, all you have to do is cook some of the bark for at least 15 minutes. After this, allow the tea to cool a bit and add some sweeteners like honey, milk, or lemon. The tea can be taken without any sweetener.

Consuming willow bark tea at least once a day consistently for one week would help reduce pain and inflammation to the barest minimum.

Note: doctors recommended the usual dose of white willow bark to be 240 mg per day for ongoing conditions. However, there are also herbal mixtures or blends that contain white willow bark which can be used for an acute treatment such as a headache.

Turmeric ( Curcumin)

Turmeric is another deeply rooted tea for the treatment of inflammation and pain. There is an anti-inflammatory agent in turmeric which is in the form of a  yellow pigment called curcumin. It is important to note that the Ayurvedic and the Chinese medicines have long used Turmeric and Curcumin to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as to treat digestive disorders, wounds, infections, and other related ailments in this category.

Turmeric and Curcumin, Studies have shown that Curcumin in particular also acts as an antioxidant, thus, a good combatant for cancer. Note that Fresh or powdered turmeric is excellent in curries, soups or other dishes and this fresh Turmeric can be added to fresh vegetable juices. However, the supplements of Curcumin are also available in different variations.

In a six days study on the effect of curcumin on pain and inflammation caused by a very severe case of arthritis known as osteoarthritis. The patients were administered to 1,500mg of curcumin in 3 doses, three times daily. The result shows a significant reduction in pain and inflammation and improved physical functioning.  Also, another study involving 20 men whose pain is as a result of rigorous exercise. The men were administered to 400mg of curcumin. After one week, the pain and inflammation reduced to the barest minimum.

However, it is important to note that instead of using turmeric directly, the study makes use of curcumin. Since curcumin is found in turmeric, there is every tendency that taking turmeric tea will reduce pain and inflammation.

To make your turmeric tea

  • Simmer a teaspoon of powdered turmeric or freshly grated one in two cups of water. Allow this to boil for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the mixture and add some black pepper for better absorption.
  • You can add some sweeteners like milk, honey, or lemon to taste.

Ginger tea

Ginger is a root with a sharp taste and aromatic flavor often used as a spice for cooking. However, studies have revealed that there are more than 50 bodybuilding antioxidants in ginger. Many of these antioxidants help to block the works of the enzymes that trigger pain and inflammation in the body. Ginger also helps to minimize the production of cytokines which are pro-inflammatory substances in the body. As a result of this, taking ginger tea is one of the best ways to cure pain and inflammation.

To prepare your ginger tea, you can either use the dried ginger or the fresh one. Also, ginger tea is available in stores and supermarkets. However, if you are going for the store-bought ginger tea, ensure you choose the one with a high concentration of organic ginger.

To make your ginger tea

  • Simmer a spoonful of dried or freshly peeled and grated ginger in two cups of water.
  • Add some black pepper for easy absorption
  • Add some sweeteners like honey, milk, or honey.

Green Tea

Green tea is a very popular tea made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves are dried and blended to prevent oxidation. Research has shown that green tea is an effective remedy for the treatment of pain and inflammation.

Green tea contains an active ingredient known as tea catching — particularly EGCG. Epigallocatechin gallate is catechin very potent in the treatment of pain and inflammation. This substance also helps to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clots and heart attacks.

In a study on the effectiveness of green tea, it was revealed that the catechins and flavonoids compound in green tea help to block protein denaturation thereby reducing pain and inflammation.

To use green tea for pain and inflammation

  • boil one teabag of green tea in a cup of water for at least 10 mins
  • Add some sweetener like honey, milk, or lemon to the tea. However, this is optional.
  • Allow the tea to cool a bit and take it while it is still very hot.

Black tea

Black is an ancient tea that has been used for different health issues. It is a staple of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda in India. The major compounds found in black that helps for the relief of pain and inflammation are flavonoids. The two major flavonoids found in black tea include thearubigins and theaflavins. These two compounds help to block the work of cytokine enzymes that triggers pain and inflammation in the body.

Like green tea, black tea is available in tea bags and can be made the same way green tea is made.

The five teas examined in this article are very effective for the treatment of pain and inflammation. They are natural and without any severe side effects.