Effective Remedy for the Treatment of Arthritis
Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease prevalent among people of advanced age. But this is not to say that it is only applicable to aged people alone, arthritis can be found among people of middle age or below. Usually, it is believed that there is no cure for arthritis and the patient would only have to keep enduring the pain. While there are lots of medical treatments for this condition, most of the medical treatments come with severe side effects. Recently, studies on alternative cure and natural home remedies for the sickness show that turmeric – a natural spice often used for cooking – can be an effective remedy for the treatment of arthritis. Turmeric is one of the centuries-old spices used to add flavor to all kinds of cooking. Turmeric is also used to achieve a yellow color in curry. Aside from the culinary benefits, turmeric is touted for its great pain and anti-inflammatory properties.

How Turmeric Works for Arthritis

Turmeric is said to contain a very potent pain and anti-inflammatory component referred to as Curcumin. Curcumin is believed to be the major compound in turmeric that helps to reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis. Regular consumption of curcumin is also believed to inhibit the works of certain enzymes and cytokines in the body responsible for pain. With consistent use for at least six months, patients can experience little or no pain. In a study involving about 139 arthritis patients, the patients were treated with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or curcumin for one month. The result shows that 97% of those treated with curcumin and 94% of those treated with NSAID reported a significant reduction of pain to up to 50%. Since curcumin can be gotten from turmeric and turmeric is a natural remedy, there was no reported side effect from patients who have used this. This made the spice a go-to cure for arthritis. If you have arthritis, here are some of the ways you can use turmeric to treat the diseases.

How to use turmeric for the treatment of arthritis

There are many ways turmeric can be used for the treatment of arthritis, however, research has shown that using turmeric in high doses is the only possible way of getting effective results. This is because curcumin has poor bioavailability. Hence, it absorbs poorly into the system. Also, turmeric is available in two different ways: the root form, similar to ginger root, and the dried and powdered form. The best ways to use turmeric include:

As a spice

For the treatment of arthritis, turmeric can be used as a spice for cooking. However, because of its yellow color, the spice may not be good for all kinds of dishes. Turmeric can be added in high quantity to dishes like rice, and salad. It is important to note that the curcumin compound found in turmeric is only 2 to 9%, hence using it just as spice might not be as effective as when it is combined with other methods. Also when using turmeric as a spice, don’t forget to add some black peppers to boost the absorption of the spice.

As a tea

Turmeric tea is readily available and can be gotten from the pharmacy or from supermarkets. To make your own turmeric tea, follow the steps below:
  • Boil two cups of water with one spoonful of turmeric tea. Add about half a spoonful of black pepper to the water and allow this to boil for 15 minutes
  • Allow the mixture to cool a bit. You can either take this alone or add some sweeteners like honey, lemon or milk
  • When choosing your turmeric tea, You can go for a more herbal one like McKel Hill’s turmeric tea. The tea contains some other effective herbs for the treatment of arthritis such as ginger and cinnamon.
For effective result, you can use turmeric both as tea and as a spice. This would help to increase the quantity of curcumin absorb into the body and also hasten the result of the treatment

As a supplement

While turmeric is not available as a supplement, curcumin is. Curcumin is available both as a supplement and as a capsule. Also, studies on the effectiveness of turmeric for arthritis is usually carried out using curcumin. Instead of taking turmeric, taking curcumin supplements is more advisable. This is because the curcumin compound in turmeric is very low and using the supplement helps to increase the curcumin absorbed into the body. Also, most of the store-bought curcumin supplements contain natural spice that helps to hasten absorption. The spice includes piperine and black pepper. For the treatment of arthritis, the Arthritis Foundation recommends a minimum of 500mg curcumin supplement. This should be taken at least twice in the day.

Things to note before using turmeric for arthritis

Both turmeric and curcumin are generally safe. However, if you are on medication before, it is important to talk to your doctor before using the herbs. This is because curcumin can interact with other medications and either inhibit the work of the medication or reduce it. Also, while there are no reported side effects of using turmeric and curcumin supplement for arthritis, some might arise if you are on medication for another health-related issue such as
  • Diabetes
  • Blood thinner
  • Cholesterol
  • Inflammation
Some curcumin supplements can contain piperine which can also interfere with other medications such as phenytoin (Dilantin) and propranolol (Inderal). Aside from all these, turmeric is generally safe and highly effective. Ginger is a great spice often used for cooking. The sharp distinct taste of ginger and it’s natural automatic flavor is believed to enhance the quality of food. However, aside from the culinary benefits of ginger, it has been discovered as a very effective natural remedy for health-related issues such as anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant. Also, regular consumption of ginger is believed to boost the overall hormone of the human body. Research on the effect of ginger on arthritis revealed that the spice contains anti-inflammatory compounds that perform the same function as COX-2 inhibitors. COX-2 are drugs often used for the treatment of pain and inflammation, especially arthritis-related pain.

Studies on how ginger works for arthritis

There are a lot of studies on the effectiveness of ginger. The studies show that ginger extract helps to inhibit the works of some enzymes including leukotrienes which are responsible for joint inflammation in the body. Added to this ginger is also said to contain a compound known as salicylates. When ginger is taken, the body absorbs this compound and converts it into a chemical known as salicylic acid. This acid prevents the nerves from making certain prostaglandins and this helps to ease pain and discomfort in the body joints. In a study conducted in 2000 and involving more than 12 patients suffering from osteoarthritis, the result reveals that ginger works the same way as the popular drugs used for pain – ibuprofen. Another research in 2006 shows that when ginger is used together with echinacea supplements, arthritis patients experience faster and quicker results than when ginger is used alone. Added to this, in a study conducted in 2001 involving 247 arthritis patients, after six months of taking 250mg of ginger supplements at least twice in the day, the patients experienced a significant reduction in pain and inflammation. The patients were given a highly concentrated dose of ginger and the result shows that ginger is very effective in treating arthritis and osteoarthritis. After one month of ginger medication, patients generally experience a significant improvement in pain and inflammation. Before the study, the patient was suffering from mild to severe arthritis pain and inflammation, when the patient started taking the ginger supplement, they started experiencing more physical functioning. Patients also experienced a significant reduction in morning stiffness and pain. With consistency, patients experience little or no pain. While the studies examined above are on the effectiveness of ginger for arthritis when used orally, in a study on the effectiveness of topical ginger, the result shows that applying ginger on the surface or body of the affected area can help to alleviate pain and inflammation. According to the result of one research conducted in 2015, it was revealed that ginger extract is able to reduce the pain and morning stiffness associated with osteoarthritis and arthritis. In the study, about 50 patients suffering from mild to severe cases of arthritis were treated with topical ginger. The result shows that applying ginger to the affected area at least three times a day can help to reduce pain and inflammation to up to 50% within one month.

How to use ginger to treat arthritis

The most common way of using ginger is as a spice for cooking. This is basically because ginger has a very nice aromatic flavor which helps to improve the quality of the food. If you are suffering from arthritis, adding ginger to your food is one of the great ways to use it. Since ginger does not add any color to food like turmeric, it can be added to all kinds of dishes. However, it is important to add this in high quantity. This would help hasten the result.

As a tea

Ginger tea is readily available in stores and supermarkets. Taking ginger as a tea is also another effective way to use it for the treatment of arthritis. Aside from going for store-bought ginger tea, you can make your own using the fresh ginger root. Here are the steps to making your ginger tea:
  • Get a not too big ginger root, peel the flesh and either slice it or grate it. When you have done this, check the quantity of the ginger and measure it to make sure it is up to two spoonful
  • Pour two cups of water in your kettle or pot and add the grated or sliced ginger. If you have black pepper, you can add it to the combination.
  • Allow this to simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Add some sweeteners like lemon, milk, and honey. This is optional.
  • Filter the mixture into a cup and drink while it is still hot
  • Ensure you take this mixture at least two times a day.

As a smoothie

Aside from taking ginger as tea and using it as a spice for cooking, ginger can be used as one of the major ingredients of your smoothie. If you are suffering from arthritis, a simple smoothie containing ginger and pineapple is a great option for breakfast. When using ginger as a smoothie, ensure you support this with either the tea method or the spice method.

As a topical

Aside from taking ginger orally, it can be applied as a medication on the affected area. Ginger topical is available in oil form. However, you can make yours by following these methods:
  • Get big sized ginger, peel the skin and rinse
  • Next, grate the ginger
  • Get any natural or essential oil of your choices like coconut oil or olive oil.
  • Pour the oil in a pot and add the already grated ginger
  • Allow this to cool for at least 15 minutes
  • Put the oil down and allow it to cool a bit
You can add other great oils like lavender oil, castor oil, and so on to the mixture. Apply the homemade ginger oil to the affected joint at least twice in the day. When you do this consistently for two months, you will experience great relief. One of the significant results of applying ginger topical to arthritis pain is to heat up the area and cause it to sweat. This reaction helps to ease joint pain and arthritis.

As a supplement

Like the curcumin in turmeric, ginger is also available as a supplement. When using ginger supplements for arthritis, it is important to take a minimum dosage of 250mg. This should be taken at least twice in the day. Note: Do not use ginger supplements on an empty stomach as it can upset the stomach. Also, when choosing a ginger supplement for your arthritis, choose a high-quality supplement derived from organic ginger. If possible, look for a brand that makes use of supercritical fluid extraction. Also, be careful not to choose a product that contains additives. In our fast-paced world where a lot of persons are finding it difficult to spend some quality time to make themselves a well-balanced meal, eating junk and processed foods became the order of the day. This simple neglect has contributed greatly to the increased number of sick people in our society today. What most persons do not take note of when consuming processed food is that most of these foods do not contain the required bodybuilding vitamins and minerals. Part of the vitamins that are often missing in these foods is vitamin B12. Due to this deficiency in vitamins and minerals, food supplements could only do little or nothing to cover up for the missing vitamins. As a result, many suffer health-related issues such as rheumatoid. This article provides a detailed explanation of how vitamin B12 can help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamins and minerals play a significant role in the healthiness of an individual.  Vitamin B is among the non-antioxidant vitamin that is required for the effective functioning of the human body. It is particularly important for the functioning of the human bones and joints. Also, research has revealed that this vitamin can help to relieve rheumatoid – chronic arthritis of the joint. Added to this, the deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in a couple of health issues including joint pains and arthritis. It is important to note that vitamin B12 is made up of eight different vitamins. While some of the vitamins might be gotten from supplements, getting a full dose of vitamin B12 requires the consumption of a well-balanced diet. Studies On Vitamin B12 For Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis often manifests itself in systemic inflammation and pains. It gets severe when not properly treated. If care is not taken, rheumatoid can progress from stiffness to disability. This sickness is caused by the immune system attacking the joints as if they are foreign tissue. This is why rheumatoid is often classified as an autoimmune disease. When the joints are attacked by the immune systems, it causes pain, inflammation, and stiffness in the body. However, according to the Livestrong study on the effect of vitamin B12 on arthritis, the result reveals that constant consumption of vitamin B12 can help to produce new and healthy red blood cells, which helps to battle against anemia that many arthritis patient suffer from. In the study, after about four weeks of treating the patient with a well-balanced diet of a full dose of vitamin B12 combined with vitamin B12 supplements, the patients experienced a significant reduction in their pain and inflammation. This shows that regular intake of vitamin B12 diet and supplements can help to reduce pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin B12 Can Also Help To Reduce The Risk Of Broken Bone

One of the major health issues suffered by rheumatoid arthritis patients is joint pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid pains attack the joints and bones in the knees. It hinders joint flexibility and movement. However, regular consumption of vitamin  B12 helps to reduce the severity of joint pain and stiffness. Also in a study conducted by the Arthritis Foundation, it was revealed that vitamin B12 reduces the amino acid responsible for the bone weakness in arthritis patients. The amino acid is referred to as homocysteine. It was revealed that even moderately elevated homocysteine is associated with the increased risk of fractures in older adults. Therefore, consuming food with a high dose of vitamin B12 is an effective way of treating rheumatoid arthritis.

Vitamin B12 Can Help With The Digestion Of Food In Arthritis Patients

It is one thing to eat, it is another for the body to absorb all the nutrients from food. Usually, rheumatoid arthritis results in body weakness. This weakness is not limited to the joints of the body alone, every part of the body is affected. Rheumatoid Arthritis patients might suffer indigestion due to weakness. Aside from weakness, the side effect of some of the medical treatment for the sickness includes indigestion. However, studies have revealed that the best way to cure indigestion is to eat foods that are very rich in vitamin B12. Regular consumption of vitamin B12 can aid in the digestion of arthritis patient food and help in the absorption of the nutrients needed for the relief of the condition.

Vitamin B12 Helps To Reduce Pain In Rheumatoid Arthritis

Some research revealed that regular consumption of vitamin B12 can help with bursitis, which is an inflammation of the pad that cushion your joints, called the bursa. Such pain occurs in the knees, hips, elbows shoulder, and the joints and muscles in the body. Since vitamin B12 helps in strengthening the human bones and carriage, when rheumatoid arthritis patients consume this vitamin constantly, the weak joints are strengthened. This, in turn, reduces the intense pain associated with the sickness. Regular consumption of a diet rich in vitamin B12 also helps to increase energy flow in the joints. This also helps to reduce pain and inflammation.

Foods That Are Rich In Vitamin B12

Although there are some vitamin supplements that can help supply the body with vitamin B12, consuming this directly from foods is the best way to get a full dose of the vitamin. Below are some of the food rich in vitamin B12 that arthritis patients can include in his or her diet.
  • Fish and shellfish such as trout, tuna fish, salmon and Clams
  • Chickens, liver, and meat (not red meat)
  • low-fat milk, Greek yogurt, and cheese
  • Fortified breakfast cereals
  • Eggs
Aside from including these foods in your diet, it is important to see a doctor so you can get some good vitamin B12 supplements. Usually, these supplements come in the form of nasal spray or pills. If you have a severe deficiency such that you are also suffering from anemia, you might have to take the supplements and diets for the rest of your life. From the studies and evidence, it can be inferred that vitamin B12 is an effective remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is important to consult your doctor for further clarification. Inflammation and pain go hand in hand. Inflammation is a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, sore, and swollen because of infection or injury. It is manifested outwardly by redness and swelling, attended with heat and pain. The condition can get so severe that it affects the overall body functioning. However, there are some teas that can be taken for immediate relief. Usually, people trivialize the efficacy of tea for the cure of critical ailments. Some view tea as an ordinary mixture of hot water with sugar and milk. But there are lots of research revealing that there are some herbal teas that can be taken for the relief of pain and inflammation. Below are five great teas for inflammation and pain.

White Willow Tree Bark

White willow tree bark is traceable to Egypt and has been used as a treatment for pain and inflammation since ancient Egyptian and Roman times. There are lots of research revealing that white willow bark has a comparable effect to aspirin, but with fewer side effects than aspirin. The herbs are often chewed or cooked with some other herbs. However, studies have revealed that consuming the herbs as tea is a very good cure for inflammation and pain. White willow bark tea can either be made from fresh willow bark or dried. To make the tea, all you have to do is cook some of the bark for at least 15 minutes. After this, allow the tea to cool a bit and add some sweeteners like honey, milk, or lemon. The tea can be taken without any sweetener. Consuming willow bark tea at least once a day consistently for one week would help reduce pain and inflammation to the barest minimum. Note: doctors recommended the usual dose of white willow bark to be 240 mg per day for ongoing conditions. However, there are also herbal mixtures or blends that contain white willow bark which can be used for an acute treatment such as a headache.

Turmeric ( Curcumin)

Turmeric is another deeply rooted tea for the treatment of inflammation and pain. There is an anti-inflammatory agent in turmeric which is in the form of a  yellow pigment called curcumin. It is important to note that the Ayurvedic and the Chinese medicines have long used Turmeric and Curcumin to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as to treat digestive disorders, wounds, infections, and other related ailments in this category. Turmeric and Curcumin, Studies have shown that Curcumin in particular also acts as an antioxidant, thus, a good combatant for cancer. Note that Fresh or powdered turmeric is excellent in curries, soups or other dishes and this fresh Turmeric can be added to fresh vegetable juices. However, the supplements of Curcumin are also available in different variations. In a six days study on the effect of curcumin on pain and inflammation caused by a very severe case of arthritis known as osteoarthritis. The patients were administered to 1,500mg of curcumin in 3 doses, three times daily. The result shows a significant reduction in pain and inflammation and improved physical functioning.  Also, another study involving 20 men whose pain is as a result of rigorous exercise. The men were administered to 400mg of curcumin. After one week, the pain and inflammation reduced to the barest minimum. However, it is important to note that instead of using turmeric directly, the study makes use of curcumin. Since curcumin is found in turmeric, there is every tendency that taking turmeric tea will reduce pain and inflammation. To make your turmeric tea
  • Simmer a teaspoon of powdered turmeric or freshly grated one in two cups of water. Allow this to boil for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the mixture and add some black pepper for better absorption.
  • You can add some sweeteners like milk, honey, or lemon to taste.

Ginger tea

Ginger is a root with a sharp taste and aromatic flavor often used as a spice for cooking. However, studies have revealed that there are more than 50 bodybuilding antioxidants in ginger. Many of these antioxidants help to block the works of the enzymes that trigger pain and inflammation in the body. Ginger also helps to minimize the production of cytokines which are pro-inflammatory substances in the body. As a result of this, taking ginger tea is one of the best ways to cure pain and inflammation. To prepare your ginger tea, you can either use the dried ginger or the fresh one. Also, ginger tea is available in stores and supermarkets. However, if you are going for the store-bought ginger tea, ensure you choose the one with a high concentration of organic ginger. To make your ginger tea
  • Simmer a spoonful of dried or freshly peeled and grated ginger in two cups of water.
  • Add some black pepper for easy absorption
  • Add some sweeteners like honey, milk, or honey.

Green Tea

Green tea is a very popular tea made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves are dried and blended to prevent oxidation. Research has shown that green tea is an effective remedy for the treatment of pain and inflammation. Green tea contains an active ingredient known as tea catching — particularly EGCG. Epigallocatechin gallate is catechin very potent in the treatment of pain and inflammation. This substance also helps to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clots and heart attacks. In a study on the effectiveness of green tea, it was revealed that the catechins and flavonoids compound in green tea help to block protein denaturation thereby reducing pain and inflammation. To use green tea for pain and inflammation
  • boil one teabag of green tea in a cup of water for at least 10 mins
  • Add some sweetener like honey, milk, or lemon to the tea. However, this is optional.
  • Allow the tea to cool a bit and take it while it is still very hot.

Black tea

Black is an ancient tea that has been used for different health issues. It is a staple of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda in India. The major compounds found in black that helps for the relief of pain and inflammation are flavonoids. The two major flavonoids found in black tea include thearubigins and theaflavins. These two compounds help to block the work of cytokine enzymes that triggers pain and inflammation in the body. Like green tea, black tea is available in tea bags and can be made the same way green tea is made. The five teas examined in this article are very effective for the treatment of pain and inflammation. They are natural and without any severe side effects. When osteoarthritis is not treated correctly, it can lead to the break down of cartilages in the body. While countless medical treatments can be used to cure this disease, many of these treatments come with severe side effects. However, some natural supplements have proven to be very effective in treating osteoarthritis. This article examines seven effective supplements that can be used to manage osteoarthritis.

Curcumin Supplement

Curcumin is a pain-relieving substance often used to treat osteoarthritis. It is natural and very effective. Curcumin makes up 3% of the active ingredients in turmeric. This is why patients suffering from osteoarthritis or other related pains are usually advised to include turmeric in their cooking and diet. However, curcumin is not only available in turmeric but also as a supplement on its own. So instead of consuming turmeric, you can opt for the curcumin supplement. Studies revealed that curcumin and the popular pain reliever-Ibuprofen work the same way. However, while ibuprofen can have a harmful effect on the body, curcumin does not have any adverse effects. Curcumin is said to exert anti-inflammatory power on osteoarthritis arthritis via various pathways like decreasing synthesis of inflammatory mediators, anti-oxidative and anti-catabolic properties. This substance does not have any side effects except for mild gastrointestinal effects like diarrhea. When taking turmeric, it is advisable to include this in your cooking and also take as a tea at least three times per day. However, when using the curcumin supplement, take this twice a day.

Fish Oil Supplement

Fish oil is another good supplement usually administered to osteoarthritis patients. Fish oil contains nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid. Omega-3 acid is made up of polyunsaturated fatty acid that helps to reduce inflammatory proteins in the body. The other nutrients in fish oil are very good at supplying the body with the anti-inflammatory benefit that reduces osteoarthritis pain and swellings. Fish oil supplement is available from 300mg to 1000mg. Whether you are using the low dose or high dose, it is important to use the supplement regularly. Regular consumption of fish oil supplements helps to reduce osteoarthritis to the barest minimum. However, the low dose requires more regular consumption than the high dose. While the 1000mg dose can be taken once in a day, the 300mg should be taken at least three times daily. Fish oil does not have any side effects.


S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) supplement is a supplement that is commonly used to treat osteoarthritis and depression. The supplement helps to strengthen the bones and cartilages and increase physical mobility. Although there is a natural supply of SAMe from an amino acid referred to as methionine in the body, this supply might be reduced in patients suffering from osteoarthritis. Hence, taking this as a supplement increases the quantity of SAMe in the body and strengthens the bones and cartilages. When the supplement is taken consistently, it helps to narrow the space between the joints, thereby reducing osteoarthritis-related pain. In a study comparing the effectiveness of SAMe with the anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib (Celebrex), it was revealed that celecoxib works more effectively than the SAMe in the first month. However, after the second month, the effectiveness of SAMe becomes the same with celecoxib. The dosage for SAMe is between 200mg to 400mg three times per day. Also, as revealed in the study, it would take a while to start noticing the supplement’s effects.


Glucosamine is a natural supplement that helps to reduce osteoarthritis pain and inflammation. This substance helps to prevent the bones and cartilages from rubbing against each other and causing pain and stiffness. Glucosamine contains some important nutrients like amino monosaccharide and glycosaminoglycan necessary in the cartilage matrix. This is why most of the supplements used for osteoarthritis contain Glucosamine. Aside from the benefit, Glucosamine is a natural supplement with little or no side effects. However, it is important to note that there are two types of Glucosamine: glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride. Among the research on the most effective one for pain and inflammation, one meta-analysis discovered that glucosamine hydrochloride does not work as effectively as the glucosamine sulfate. This implies that the glucosamine sulfate is more effective and works faster than the hydrochloride. The study also revealed that when the glucosamine sulfate is taken consistently for three years, it helps to slow down the narrowing of the space between the joint – a condition that aggravates the knee joint pain. In terms of the supplement’s dosage, it is advisable to take the glucosamine sulfate 1500mg once in a day. If the 1500mg causes any side effects like gastrointestinal disorder, break it up to 500mg thrice daily.


Chondroitin is also another effective natural remedy that helps to improve the healthiness of the bone and cartilages. Chondroitin supplement helps to prevent joints and cartilage break down. There are many studies on the effectiveness of this supplement; most of these studies revealed that the supplement helps reduce joint pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis patients. In a study involving 53 osteoarthritis patients, the result revealed that when chondroitin is taken at least three times per day, it can reduce osteoarthritis pain from 20percent and above. Also, it helps to improve the physical function of the patient and overall wellness. Like Glucosamine, when chondroitin is taken for a long time, it can narrow the space between the joints. This helps to reduce the chance of the condition getting worse. The dosage for chondroitin usually starts from 400mg to 800mg. When taking the 400mg, it is advisable to take three times per day; however, when taking the 800mg, take twice per day.


Boswellia is popularly referred to as Indian Frankincense. This plant is very effective for the treatment of osteoarthritis and pains. Boswellia extract is believed to be more effective than the placebo drug often administered to people with osteoarthritis. The chemical component in the Boswellia extract helps to reduce inflammation and pain. It also helps to reduce the further occurrence of pain and inflammation. Boswellia supplements range from 100mg to 333mg. The 100mg is usually taken three times per day while the 333mg is taken once per day. Since Boswellia is a natural plant, it has little or no side effects. The side effect is limited to gastrointestinal disorders like diarrhea.

Devil’s claw

Devil’s claw is usually referred to as harpagophytum. It is made up of an anti-inflammatory substance called harpogoside. This substance helps to reduce pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis. When used regularly, the devil’s claw supplement has a significant effect on the joint pains related to osteoarthritis. Studies revealed that the devil’s claw is more effective than the anti-inflammatory drug called diacerein. In terms of the right dosage of the devil’s claw for osteoarthritis, most of the studies on the supplement’s power used 600 to 800mg three times per day. Therefore when using the component, it is advisable to take dosage ranging from 600mg and three times per day. Since the devil’s claw is a natural plant, it has no side effects. Hands arthritis can be excruciating and hinder you from going about your daily activities. Aside from the pain, arthritis causes fatigue, weight loss, fever anemia, and lung-related issues like shortness of breath and dry mouth. Even with medical intervention, the pain and effect of arthritis may persist. This is why many persons suffering from this sickness are turning to natural home remedies that can help cure it. These remedies are readily available and very potent. Here is a break down of eight home remedies for hand arthritis:

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plant is widely known for its splendid healing power. It is mostly used for the treatment of skin abrasion, sunburns, and scars. However, the Aloe gel is one of the best home remedies for hand arthritis and inflammation. Aloe gel can be applied on the affected hand to soothe the pain and reduce swelling. Aloe vera is available in two different forms: the oral aloe vera and the topical aloe vera. From the research carried out by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)Trusted Source, it was revealed that using the oral aloe vera can cause gastrointestinal side effects. However, the topical aloe vera does not have any side effects. As a result, it is advisable to use the topical aloe vera to treat hand arthritis. The best way to use aloe vera is to apply it to the affected hand at least twice a day.

Indian Frankincense

Indian Frankincense is popularly known as Boswellia. Herbal medical practitioners praise this plant for its superb pain relief and anti-inflammatory power, which is very effective for the treatment of hand arthritis. The part of the plant used for the treatment is extracted from the gum of the tree. Boswellia works by blocking the leukotrienes substance that attacks the joints, muscles, and hands, causing pain and inflammation. There are lots of research on the power of this plant, among the research is one carried out by NCCIH on animals. The result shows that Boswellia can heal inflammation and pain. No result on the effect of the plant on humans has been confirmed. Boswellia is available in both topical cream form and tablet form.

How to use:

For hand arthritis, it is advisable to use the Boswellia topical cream. The cream should be applied at least twice a day.


Eucalyptus is another great plant for the treatment of hand arthritis. Like the aloe vera plant, eucalyptus is also widely available. The leaves of the plant are believed to contain tannins -a potent pain and anti-inflammatory remedy.

How to use:

Eucalyptus is available in both oral form and topical form. For hand arthritis, both forms are very effective. However, when using the topical form, it is advisable to follow this up with a heating pad. The heat pad helps to maximize the healing power of the plant. Also, it is advisable to test the plant on a small area of the body for 24-48 hours before applying it directly on the hand. If there is no reaction after 48 hours, it means the plant is safe to use. Apply consistently for at least twice a day.

Cat’s claw

One of the best home remedies for treating pain and inflammation in hand arthritis is the cat’s claw. Cat’s claw is an ancient herb used to boost the immune system. The immune power of the herbs works effectively in reducing hand arthritis pain. However, the downside of using the herbs is that it can overstimulate the immune system and worsen the arthritis pain. Research by the Arthritis Foundation shows that when cat claw was administered on animals suffering from arthritis, it reduces their pain. There is no report on the effect of the herbs on humans.

How to use:

Catclaw is available in both topical and oral forms. Both forms are very effective in treating hand arthritis. When using the oral form, it is advisable to take in small quantities to avoid the downside of the herb. The topical form should be used at least two times a day.

Thunder god vine

This is one of the oldest plants used to treat arthritis pains, especially by the Chinese. Thunder god vine is extracted from the skinned root and use to manage an overactive immune system.

How to use:

The best way to use Thunder god vine for the treatment of hand arthritis is to rub it on the hand. Apply the treatment at least two times per day. However, caution should be taken when using this plant because any other form of thunder god extracted from other parts of the vine aside from the root is poisonous. Also, long term use is not advisable.

Willow bark

One of the oldest herbs used for the treatment of arthritis is Willow bark. This herb has always been used for arthritis as far back as the fifth century. At this time, people often chew the bark to help cure their pains and inflammation. The herb is very potent and effective.

How to use:

Willow bark is taken orally as tea or chewed. There is no specific dosage for the use of the herb; hence it is advisable to take in small quantities. Willow bark contains a chemical called Salicin that can shut down the kidney when taken in excess or a large quantity. Getting the right dosage for the herb is tricky, but taking it in small batches is better and effective. Also, if you are allergic to aspirin, it is advisable not to this herb.


Although ginger is often used as a spice for cooking different types of food, the herb is a great cure for arthritis pains and inflammation. Ginger has a great flavor and peppery taste that makes it effective for the treatment of arthritis pain. The NCCIH revealed that the gingerol substance in ginger is very effective for the treatment of pain.

How to use:

Ginger cannot be applied directly to the affected area; it can only be used as a spice for cooking or taken in the form of tea. Ginger helps to increase blood circulation in the affected area, causing it to sweat. With consistent use, the pain and inflammation of the hand arthritis would reduce.


Like ginger, turmeric is another root used as a spice for cooking. Turmeric is very effective for the treatment of arthritis. Curcumin – the active ingredient in turmeric is potent in treating pains and inflammation. Also, like ginger, NCCIH revealed that for the treatment of arthritis, turmeric works well when taken orally than when applied to the affected area.

How to use:

Turmeric is available in both topical form and oral form; however, the oral form is more potent than the topical. Turmeric can be used orally as a spice for cooking or taken as a tea. Another effective way to use turmeric is to combine it with Boswellia. This combination is available in oil form and known as Lab Grade Turmeric + Lab Grade Boswellia Serrata. The oil can be easily applied to the affected hand to treat arthritis. Although there is no known cure for arthritis, it can be managed symptomatically. Research has shown that certain foods have constituents that are secret anti-inflammatory agents. These constituents have a potent ability to act as antioxidants and inhibit major inflammatory pathways. Isn’t this great? Eating to avoid constant inflammation of joints, of course, it is great. In this article, we shall examine the best anti-inflammatory foods out of numerous options that can help you manage your arthritis. They are;


Green leafy vegetables such as Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Brussels sprouts, and other forms of vegetables such as tomato, cucumber, etc. are rich in nutrients and constituents which can help to decrease inflammation. Green leafy vegetables have been shown to have a high amount of vitamin C and minerals such as potassium. These constituents are potent antioxidants capable of neutralizing the effects of radicals, thus relieving inflammatory response and slowing down the aging process. Because of this, the recommendation of vegetable salads and vegetable-based meals is highly beneficial to people with arthritis. Not only because of its ability to reduce inflammation but also because of its anti-aging properties.


Fishes are one of the most potent sources of essential fatty acids known, especially for Omega-3. These essential fatty acids are capable of reducing the amount of arachidonic acid in the immune cells and thus blocking the arachidonic acid metabolism. Arachidonic acid serves as a substrate in the production of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines that play a significant role in the inflammatory response in arthritis. Fatty fishes are highly rich in omega-3, and they include Mackerel, Salmon, Herring, Oysters, Sardines, Tuna, etc. Incorporating oily fish and high-quality fish supplements into one’s diet goes a long way in suppressing inflammatory responses, as seen in people with arthritis.


Strawberries, Mango, Grapes, Watermelon, Pomegranate, and other varieties of fruits are blessed with constituents and pigments that have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Mangiferin, the bio-active substance in mango, has an anti-inflammatory effect. The effect is exhibited by its ability to modulate pro-inflammatory signaling molecules that suppress inflammatory responses in the body. Also, the pigments in fruits like Strawberries (anthocyanin), Grapes (carotenoids), and ascorbic acids are potent antioxidants. They inhibit the activities of radicals in the body, putting a stop to the inflammatory reactions going on in the body. Some of them act as NSAIDs; they inhibit the expression of the Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme.


Adding Spices to the food we cook can spice our life by improving our health conditions. When it comes to anti-inflammation, a spicy diet has numerous potential benefits worthy of note. Many of the spices available contain anti-inflammatory substances. Through a unique mechanism in the body, these substances block the production and expression of inflammatory mediators like cytokines, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-a), thus halting inflammatory responses in the body, including joints. As an added advantage, spices give help to fight pain and cartilage degeneration, which overall improves the symptoms of arthritis. The top amongst the Spices that shows these actions include; Ginger, Garlic, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Chili, and Rosemary. The more you eat a spicy diet, the more they clamp down inflammatory responses going on in your joint.


Beverages in terms of Green tea, milk, and coffee presents with antioxidant power, which relinquishes the harmful effects of radicals, shutting its ability to cause inflammation. Also, Green tea has a constituent bioactive substance called epigallocatechin. This bioactive substance has the authority to inhibit a transforming growth factor TAK-1. This inflammatory molecule initiates the signal of inflammation and tissue destruction in joints. Alcohol might be bad, but the extract of red wine called Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory properties, which is shown through a novel mechanism in the body. Taking red wine in moderate amount would explore the anti-inflammatory ability of Resveratrol to shut down the production of inflammatory mediators. Lastly, Water provides a well-hydrated condition for the joint, and it helps to flush away the inflammation-causing toxins in the systemic circulation that could affect the joint.

Nuts and Seeds

Many nuts are an excellent source of minerals and protein-rich in L-arginine. They are also abundant in the level of antioxidant vitamins and omega-3. L-arginine displays its anti-inflammatory action by causing downregulation of cytokines by macrophages, which results in inflammatory responses, as seen in people with rheumatoid arthritis. This effect blocks inflammatory cascades to a highly appreciated level. The contents of nuts and seeds lower the number of Reactive proteins in the blood serum; these proteins are inflammatory markers that have been linked to rheumatoid arthritis.Nuts and seeds are quite versatile, in that they make a very suitable between-meal snack. All these beneficial effects make this group of food the right menu for diets in people with arthritis. Some examples of Nuts and Seeds rich in these beneficial contents are; Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Pistachios, Chia seeds, and Flaxseeds. Whole grains have been found to reduce the variety of symptoms in arthritic conditions. This effect is due to the antioxidant substances, which is the sole source of health benefits that protect the joint tissues from chronic inflammation.The bioactive substance in whole grains called ferulic acids targets the pro-inflammatory mediators to inhibit the expression of their signaling molecules. This bioactive substance also reduces the inflammatory marker linked to rheumatoid arthritis, the C-reactive protein. Also, these antioxidants remarkably reduce swelling around the joint and make people with arthritis feel better. However, there are bad grains that induce inflammation, and they should be avoided because of their high inflammatory effect. Avoid refined grains and food made from them such white flour, white bread, white rice, cookies, cakes, desserts, pastries, degermed cornflower, etc. The good grains that reduce inflammation include; Whole oats, Whole wheat bread, Brown rice, Barley, Bulgur, Millet, Rye, etc. The oil contains essential fatty acids, both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which are highly rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Out of these essential fatty acids are Omega-3, which is known for its potency as an antioxidant. Besides this, the omega-3 can inhibit the activity of transcription factors important in producing inflammatory enzymes such as cytokines, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), Tumor Necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin. Through this inhibition, primary inflammatory responses in the joint are shut down. These constituents are also involved in reducing reaction proteins linked to rheumatoid arthritis for inflammation. It is only best to include oils rich in these essential fatty acids in your diets. Examples of such oil are Olive oil, Grapeseed oil, Walnut oil, Avocado oil, Canola oil, Soyabean oil, etc. In addition to numerous remedies available to clamp the inflammatory responses seen in arthritis, taking advantage of the bioactive ingredients in our food presents a compact package. Since it is our way of life to eat, this option is not difficult. Incorporating the essential oil, vegetables, fruits, spices, beverages, oily fishes, and whole grains into our diets will significantly reduce inflammation. This will allow us to participate well enough in our daily activities. However, refined grains are not recommended because they can induce inflammatory reactions. Eat to live! It is excruciating that Rheumatoid arthritis limits our day-to-day activities, with joint pain and stiffness as the main manifesting signs and symptoms. It has left us the option of seeking the intervention of synthetic drugs. However, the use of synthetic medications presents us with one side effect or the other, which further complicates the limitations causing the inability to be involved in daily activities. The good news is, the herbal extracts derived from some specific plants and trees have certain biologically active substances which are known for the physiological functions they perform in the body. In contrast to the usual synthetic drugs, these herbal extracts do not generally involve severe adverse effects. They are thus making treatment with them friendly. Here is a list of herbal remedies to treat the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis and how they work;

Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis)

Aloe vera is a succulent plant popularly known for its potent effect in relieving sunburns, heartburns, healing of wounds, and slowing down the growth of cancer. Little do people know that this same plant has a beneficial potency in treating the signs and symptoms accompanied with Rheumatoid arthritis. Aloe vera has the effect of relieving inflammation and inhibiting the progress of damages to the structures of the joint. The anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects of Aloe Vera are due to the active ingredients in its gel, of which the most potent is called Anthraquinone. This active ingredient works by inhibiting the expression of the enzyme Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), which is evident in inflammatory responses. However, because of the toxicity of Anthraquinone when consumed orally, it is often recommended applying Aloe vera gel topically to the site of the joint affected.

Boswellia (Boswellia serrata)

The gum resin extracts from the Boswellia tree contain β – boswellic acid, which is responsible for the anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic and anti-arthritic activities seen when used. The anti-inflammatory response is wholly due to the ability of the boswellic acid to inhibit the cytokines and the mediators that initiate inflammation in the place. Shutting down inflammation also helps to reduce or prevent swelling around the joint. The anti-atherosclerotic activity of Boswellia extract enhances the repair of the integrity of blood vessels that might have been compromised. And lastly, the anti-arthritic effect is because the extract of the tree helps in reducing the breakdown of Chondroitin sulphate. This glycosaminoglycan offers protection against the degeneration of the articular cartilage seen in Rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is a flowering plant that is often used as a spice in cooking because of its strong flavor. However, it is also used as a herbal means of treatment to yield relief of pain in any condition, especially rheumatoid arthritis. The extract of Ginger contains potent chemical ingredients named sesquiterpenoids. This extract’s content is useful in managing the inflammatory response and related inflammatory swelling seen in Rheumatoid arthritis. It is due to the ability of the chemical ingredient to block the channel of the Cyclooxygenase pathway by inhibiting the enzyme Cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2). Green Tea Camellia sinensis is an evergreen shrub tree from whose leaves and buds green tea is made. The green tea has an active ingredient called epigallocatechin. This ingredient directly targets a transforming growth factor TAK-1 that is responsible for transmitting the signals causing inflammation and the destruction of tissues seen in Rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, the anti-inflammatory effects of Green tea in easing the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis. Green tea is processed and packaged into tea beverages. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) The oil gotten from the eucalyptus tree is often used in dental practices because of its antimicrobial effects. The topical extracts are also used in combating the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis. This is due to the impact of analgesic and anti-inflammation produced by eucalyptol (1,8-cineole). Eucalyptol blocks the production of specific cytokines and prostaglandins mediating inflammation through its anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory action. Thus, the pain is checked, as well as swelling of the affected joint. Eucalyptus oil is often applied externally to the affected part of the body.

Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa)

It is a woody vine tree that derived its name from the claw-shaped thorns it possesses. Cat’s claw extract has some compounds such as alkaloids and tannins that are responsible for its pharmacological importance. The active ingredient in this extract is mainly anti-inflammatory, which helps treat two symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The alkaloid content of the extract works by shutting down the production of inflammatory mediators, and thus, blocks the inflammation of tissues and related inflammatory swelling.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

The turmeric is a flowering plant cultivated for its roots used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. The turmeric plant extract is oily; it contains resins and, importantly, yellow-colored substances called curcuminoid. The bioactive curcumin plays a crucial role in inhibiting inflammation through the cyclooxygenase pathway. By this, it can stop inflammation of the joint at both acute and chronic phases of rheumatic arthritis without any known serious side effects.

The Black Adusa (Justicia gendarussa)

The black adusa is an evergreen plant that grows in wet areas; they are shade-loving plants. The extracts of Black adusa contains some constituents which are known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects. These potent constituents include β-sitosterol, Apigenin, and flavonoid vitexin. They serve to bring the arthritic condition into remission, thus displaying their anti-arthritic effect. However, the Apigenin acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by forestalling the expression of inflammatory enzymes through the lipoxygenase pathway blockade.

The Thunder god vine (Tripterygium wilfordii)

It is a perennial plant commonly found in China. The plant is cultivated for its leaves and root, which has been adapted for medicinal purposes. The extract of this very plant contains some immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory molecules, which is useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis. The constituents present in the extract act by inhibiting the inflammatory mediating cytokines and decreasing the arthritic joint counts and scores. Because rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, the immunosuppressive capabilities of this extract make it very much potent.

Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula)

It is a deciduous tree commonly found in India, China, and Sri Lanka. The extracts of this tree have constituents like tannic acid, chebulinic acid, Anthraquinone, and sinnosides. They have an anti-arthritic effect. Mango (Mangifera indica) The mango tree has mangiferin concentrated in its young leaves and barks. This bioactive substance has numerous pharmacological importance of which is the anti-inflammatory effect. The anti-inflammatory action is due to its ability to modulate different pro-inflammatory signaling molecules. In conclusion, observation has shown that the use of synthetic drugs though potent are without some unbearable side effects such as infection, recurrent headaches, nausea allergic reactions, muscle pains, and fever, to mention a few. Natural remedies for treating rheumatoid arthritis presents no severe side effects and is increasingly becoming popular among patients. The options of natural treatment available include the use of extracts from various plants, which include; Aloe vera, Boswellia, Ginger, Green tea, Eucalyptus, Cat’s claw, Turmeric, Black adusa, Thunder god vine, Myrobalan, Mango, etc. All of these options have Anti-inflammatory, Anti-atherosclerotic, and Anti-arthritic properties, which make them useful in the treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis. Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!