Green Drink Can Help with Arthritis and Other Chronic Conditions

Adding a green drink to your daily routine can have lots of health promoting benefits, and may even help decrease arthritis symptoms.

Are you eating 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day? If the answer is no, you may want to consider adding this to your day as an insurance policy.

What do Green Drinks Do?

Green drinks do several things for you depending on the quality of the drink and the ingredients used in it. First, you get the "Phyto-nutrients" that plants have to offer. These are the health promoting compounds found in plants, and scientists are starting to see the amazing health, anti-aging, and disease preventing benefits of them. Athletes and celebrities have long used green drinks to help them stay energetic and young looking and recover quickly from their schedules.

Today, scientists know that dark greens, brightly colored fruits and vegetables are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but these phytonutrients. Research has demonstrated that getting phytonutrients by eating 7 to 13 servings a day may:

  • increase energy, naturally, without stimulants
  • reduce appetite, improve metabolism, assist weight loss efforts
  • restore regular elimination and assist digestion
  • reduce inflammation, relieve stiff and achy joints and muscles
  • lower risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke
  • inhibit hardening of the arteries
  • protect your vision from age related vision loss and blindness (ARMD)
  • maintain strong bones
  • support immune function and increase resistance to infections
  • reduce allergy symptoms without drowsiness
  • improve mental acuity and protect mind and memory
  • detoxify toxic metals and chemicals
  • help slow aging of the skin and dulling of the hair

  • The Bad News

To enjoy these benefits and protections the USDA just announced we Americans need to eat approximately 50% more vegetables, 150% more fruit, 250% more orange and 350% more green vegetables every day. That's 7 to 13 servings a day! In spite of the governments best efforts, few American adults, and far fewer children, even eat the recommended minimum 5-a-Day!

A Solution if You Don't Eat Enough Fruits and Vegetables

I was looking for a solution to this a couple years ago and stumbled upon NanoGreens10 - Fruits and Vegetable to the Power of 10. I'd tried green drinks before, but always felt like I was drinking grass... I didn't like the taste or grit in my teeth. While I loved the energy they gave me and the way I felt, I didn't drink them like I should. I ordered a sample of NanoGreens10 and was instantly hooked. You're probably skeptical (especially if you've tried some other brands on the market) but my 3 year old daughter drinks NanoGreens10, so I'm sure if she'll drink them, you will too.

Even better than the taste is the way the NanoGreens10 are "packaged." I don't mean the canister they come in, I'm talking about the process of making the product. The greens are formulated with a patented NanoSorb technology which means that they are better absorbed by your body so you get all the goodness they have to offer. If you can't absorb the nutrients you take in, then your body can't use them to heal!

NanoGreens10 is only available through authorized, licensed medical providers. You won't find it in your local vitamin store or health food store. They do this to ensure the utmost quality of their product. Many of my patients use it and I wanted to make it available to you, too. If you'd like to try this amazing green drink to help your arthritis symptoms, just click here. You'll be redirected to my NanoGreens web page where you can order product.

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