ALCAT test results
You've received your ALCAT test results in the mail, and now it's time to implement the rotation diet. How on earth do you do this?

Know How To Interpret Your Results

Foods in the red column are poisons. Avoid them at all costs.

Foods in the green column are like medicines. Eat them as much as you want.

Foods in the orange column should be avoided entirely for three months, and then you'll start adding them back in one at a time (the packet you received from ALCAT tells you where to add them).

Foods in the yellow column are included in your rotation diet, once every four days.

Prepare for Success

Look over the menu planner you've been given and prepare yourself for success. Before shopping, sit down and with the guidelines you were given, and plan one week's worth of menus.

Then go shopping. At the end of the first week, sit down and do the process again. You will save yourself a lot of time and take the guess work out of it by following that one simple step.

Here is information from people just like you who took the plunge. They share their best tips and encouragement. You can also read first hand how their health has improved.

And after you've done the rotation diet, I'd love it if you would come back and add your story too!

Every person who has gone through this process can help other people get through it too. Help and be helped, and let's get America healthy!

Since wheat is such a common sensitivity, click here to learn more about dealing with it.

Have you done the ALCAT test?

Help others get the most out of their results! What are the top tips you can give to help people follow the rotation diet?

And now that you've been successful, how are you feeling?

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